Specialized Institute of Physiotherapy Services

Providing the best physiotherapy services in Mahan

When a person suffers from an injury, illness or physical disability, physiotherapy treatment helps him to restore his body’s natural movements and function, and also helps him to reduce the risk of injury or aggravation of the disease in the future.

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Specialized services of Mahan Physiotherapy Center

Providing special services for Mahan physiotherapy patients

خدمات فیزیوتراپی ماهان

Experience the best physiotherapy services with Mahan

When a person suffers from an injury, illness or physical disability, physiotherapy treatment helps him to restore his body's natural movements and function, and also helps him to reduce the risk of injury or aggravation of the disease in the future. Physiotherapists help patients manage their pain, balance and range of motion.


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About our clinic

Live a pain-free life with the professional and experienced team of Mahan physiotherapy...

  • Fracture and dislocation
  • Desensitization injections
  • Home medicine review
  • Medical research specialists
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