Lumbar disc treatment and sciatica


Lumbar disc treatment and sciatica protrusion or rupture is a common complication that occurs due to heavy pressure on the lumbar vertebrae and disrupts people’s normal life with excruciating pain. Although disc surgery is the final treatment method; But we are not going to send all the symptoms of this disease under the surgeon’s knife. By changing the lifestyle, performing proper sports movements and finally lumbar disc physiotherapy, we can easily reduce the pain symptoms of this condition and even cure it.

Lumbar disc physiotherapy methods are varied, which are performed under the supervision of a doctor and at the discretion of the physiotherapist. Lumbar disc is a chronic bone complication that appears when the cartilaginous tissue between the lumbar vertebrae protrudes and eventually the lumbar bones rub against each other. Changes in movement under sudden stress, lifting heavy objects in an unbalanced state, overweight or old age are among the causes of disc herniation. However, with timely diagnosis and following a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, lumbar disc treatment physiotherapy, we can reduce the symptoms of this disease. Lumbar disc treatment services are diverse. The Mahan Physiotherapy team is a specialist provider of lumbar disc services to improve the symptoms of the disease at every stage of this condition.

What is physiotherapy lumbar disc treatment service?

Any type of academic treatment program, following the principles of medicine, based on the rehabilitation of the lumbar region, includes physiotherapy lumbar disc treatment services. The art of physiotherapy is the treatment of movement and bone complications without the need for surgery. In the lumbar disc services, we are also supposed to implement treatment methods with different techniques and of course according to the patient’s condition and the type of disc rupture or protrusion.

In general, physiotherapy for disc treatment includes passive (inactive) and active (active) treatments. Physiotherapist will prescribe a sequence of passive and finally active treatments according to the type of disease progression and movement problems of people. These two treatment groups of lumbar disc services are as follows:

1. Passive treatments for lumbar disc:

It is called any type of treatment method without the need for movement or activity of the patient. In this method, which is usually prescribed in the early stages of treatment to overcome the chronic progress of the condition, we do not need to exercise or correct the patient’s movements. Rather, we are supposed to go through the preliminary process of lumbar disc physiotherapy by placing the patient in the right position and applying some techniques such as massage or electrical stimulation. Note that passive treatment is the preliminary phase of lumbar disc services, and in the final stages of treatment, there is a need to undergo active methods. But in general, passive (inactive) lumbar disc physiotherapy methods are as follows:

  • Deep tissue massage of the back
  • Treatment methods based on hot and cold stimulation
  • Electrical stimulation such as tennis and hydrotherapy

2. Active lumbar disc treatments:

Active treatments are usually started after passive treatments have been completed. That is, when the patient is able to perform special sports movements along with the passive treatments, and we can even use suitable positions of the body to improve the lumbar disc symptoms. When to use active treatments in lumbar disc physiotherapy and what kind of movements to perform will be determined under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Lumbar disc treatment services are active activities as follows:

  • Abdominal muscle strengthening movements
  • Movements based on back flexibility
  • Active hydrotherapy
  • Strengthening the back muscles

In the following, we will briefly talk about each lumbar disc service based on passive and active treatments.

Passive treatment methods


At the beginning of the treatment process, when people usually suffer from acute movement problems and deep pain, it is inevitable to deal with these types of treatment methods. Of course, the type of procedure, the duration of implementation and the method of implementation are done according to the discretion of the orthopedic doctor and the diagnosis of the physiotherapist, which are as follows:

Deep tissue massage of the back:

Massage is the best way to treat lumbar disc. There are more than 100 types of massage methods to reach the deep tissues of the back and strengthen them or to stimulate and release muscle spasms. A bold part of these massages is to stimulate the deep tissues of the lower back. Performing back massages reduces stress and spasms of the deep muscles of the body and prevents any type of excess muscle movement. At the same time, it allows the muscles of the lower back to cover the damaged position between the vertebrae and will eventually make the muscles of the lower back softer and more flexible. Deep tissue massage is the best type of lumbar disc physiotherapy from the series of passive treatments, which should be performed by a physiotherapist who is familiar with the basic methods of massage.

Treatment methods based on hot and cold stimulation:

Local heat or cold are both passive lumbar disc physiotherapy methods. Of course, the method of execution is done according to the discretion of the physiotherapist. It is even possible to use a combination of both cold and hot local methods but appropriate for the treatment of the lumbar disc. In general, whenever it is necessary to strengthen the blood flow in the lower back area, the local heat method is effective. They also use the local heating technique to better transfer more nutrients and oxygen in the tissues of the lower back and even remove the spasm of the lower back muscles in the injured area.

The local cold technique is also an effective movement to reduce the inflammation of muscle spasm, which is quite effective in reducing the effects of pain caused by lumbar disc. Lumbar disc services based on local stimulation of heat and cold are both effective techniques that must be performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist with fully specialized skills and the correct treatment process according to the discretion of the physiotherapist.

Hydrotherapy treatment:

Hydrotherapy is one of the lumbar disc physiotherapy methods that is performed in the list of passive treatments with the aim of reducing the intensity of back pain. Hydrotherapy is actually not a complete treatment process, but rather a preliminary technique to prepare the patient’s body for correcting movements and strengthening the back muscles and finally treating back disc complications by reducing pain and reducing muscle spasms. Hydrotherapy is performed by placing the patient’s body in a pool of hot water. In this method, we use general body heat through a hot water pool to relax the muscles and finally reduce the pain intensity. Usually, after undergoing hydrotherapy services, patients are better prepared to perform corrective movements and active treatments.

Treatment using a tennis machine:

Disc treatment with a tennis machine is one of the lumbar disc services based on passive physiotherapy methods. Tennis is a muscle stimulation device using electric current. In this method, the electrodes of the tennis machine are used to create weak but deep muscle shocks. These electrical stimulations cause the release of endorphins, which are ultimately effective in reducing the pain caused by lumbar discs by reducing muscle spasms. Electrical stimulation with a tennis device is also a pre-treatment technique. In this way, by reducing pain, it prepares people’s bodies to perform corrective movements in active methods. Lumbar disc physiotherapy with a tennis machine is not the final treatment, but rather a prelude to optimizing the main treatments.

Active treatment methods for lumbar disc


The main part of lumbar disc treatment services includes active techniques. In fact, all passive methods are the background to prepare the patient’s body for active treatments. In this way, passive methods are a kind of preparation to follow the final treatment in the corrective and strengthening movements of active methods. Lumbar disc services in the implementation of active methods are as follows:

Abdominal muscle strengthening movements:

Strengthening the abdominal muscles has a significant effect on the strength and stability of the body’s spine. Those who have strong abdominal muscles do not suffer from back problems such as disc herniation even in heavy muscle tension and difficult movements. Unfortunately, the main cause of most cases of disc herniation is due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles. Physiotherapist uses active movements to strengthen abdominal muscles according to the type of problems created in the spine area. There are standard sports movements to strengthen the abdominal muscles, back and waist muscles, etc. Pay attention that the type of movements, exercises and even the execution method and the number of movements should be done according to the type of disc herniation. Therefore, only with the discretion of the physiotherapist, you can use these movements to strengthen your abdominal and lumbar muscles. Doing the wrong movements and even using inappropriate movements can aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

Movement programs for back flexibility:

Back flexibility is one of the advanced processes in the treatment of the lumbar disc, which is in the final stage of the treatment process and in the list of active physiotherapy methods of the lumbar disc. In this method, a variety of sports movements such as aerobics or strength movements are used to create more stretch and better and more complete flexibility of the back muscles. Stretching movements are a key part of this treatment method, which ultimately leads to better body movements.

What is certain, movement programs for flexibility of the back are among the best methods of physical therapy of the lumbar disc. But it is necessary to carry out the therapeutic process of choosing the type of movements, the number of movements, the method of movement and the execution stage under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Definitely, we cannot use movement techniques in the initial stages of the treatment process when we are facing movement problems and chronic pain. Any kind of wrong movement in adverse conditions will aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

Hydrotherapy based on active movements:

There is also a hydrotherapy stage in the active physiotherapy treatment of the lumbar disc, but this hydrotherapy is based on movements in water and is referred to as water sports. Walking in water, aerobics in water, body stretching in water, etc. are all among the list of active hydrotherapy movement correction methods in lumbar disc physiotherapy programs. You have definitely heard that it is better to go to the pool and experience water sports to treat the lumbar disc; But is any type of movement in the water effective to improve this condition?

Although performing movements in water has a positive effect, it is necessary to plan the treatment process at the right time and under the supervision of the treating physiotherapist. It is very important to perform the correct blue movements in this method.

Recommendations for benefiting from lumbar disc treatment services

Physiotherapy is the best way to treat lumbar disc, but this effective method must be done correctly and with a proper strategy under the supervision of a professional physiotherapist. Lumbar disc physiotherapy services are effective when the treatment planning of passive and active methods is done correctly.

Just any method or any type of movement is not useful for any type of lumbar disc condition and may even cause the condition to become chronic. Lumbar disc treatment using physiotherapy is a process that starts with passive methods and continues until corrective movements and strengthening of abdominal and back muscles. But what method and when to choose for what kind of lumbar disc complication is a completely specialized matter that must be done under the supervision of a skilled physiotherapist. You can use the specialized services of the Mahan physiotherapy team to perform any type of lumbar disc treatment services and to go through the basic path of improving the symptoms of this condition.