Neck arthritis treatment and neck disc treatment

درمان آرتروز گردن Neck arthritis treatment

Arthritis of the neck is a kind of bone disease that is caused by the weakness of the cartilage layer between the neck vertebrae and the wear of the bones or movement disorder of the neck vertebrae. Spinal nerves are affected and inflamed due to wear and tear of the cervical vertebra bones. Along the irritation of the neck nerves, we see severe pains in the neck area, movement disorders or chronic pains in the hands, feet, and even urinary control disorders, etc.
Several factors are influential in the development of neck arthritis. Aging, genetic factors or heavy movements under pressure of the neck and even improper placement of the head for a long time cause the destruction of the disc between the vertebrae of the neck, which leads to arthritis. Neck arthritis treatment services are diverse, including specialized physiotherapy methods. Among the non-moving treatment methods with the implementation of special sports movements, etc., all of them are techniques for the treatment of cervical disc, which are necessary to be carried out in a specialized manner with the discretion of an orthopedic specialist and under the supervision of a physiotherapist. You can use the specialized team of Mahan Group to benefit from all neck arthritis physiotherapy services. These services are as follows.

Specialized physiotherapy services for the treatment of neck arthritis

Many bone abnormalities and problems caused by displacement of vertebrae, disc erosion and pressure and destruction of cartilage tissue of cervical vertebrae, as well as pain relief and reduction of neuroinflammation to treat movement problems, etc., are treated using physiotherapy techniques. Cervical disc treatment methods are as follows:

  • Acupuncture
  • Heat, cold and other sensory stimuli
  • Corrective exercises and movements
  • Massage and bilateral neck stretching
  • Performing neck muscle strengthening movements
  • Radio frequency and monotherapy
  • Using auxiliary tools such as medical necklaces

In addition to these cases, there are other treatment methods such as drug therapy to improve and relieve neck arthritis pain. However, cervical disc treatment based on physiotherapy techniques is considered the best and most effective method.

Physiotherapy of neck arthritis

Physiotherapy is the first prescription of an orthopedic doctor to relieve pain and treat neck arthritis. For this purpose, a complete and specialized range of special exercises are used to reduce pain and strengthen neck muscles. At the same time, some of the physiotherapy treatment methods are for correcting the way people walk or sit. Physiotherapy sessions for neck arthritis will usually take place every 6 to 8 weeks, and every week we need 2 to 3 treatment sessions using physiotherapy techniques. The type of movements is determined by the discretion of the physiotherapist and careful examination of the injured position, the amount of vertebral damage and finally the type of nerve pressure. This work should be done under the supervision of a physiotherapist and you should avoid any action without checking and consulting the physiotherapist to perform muscle strengthening and re-correction movements.


Nerve stimulation is one of the pain healing techniques in the treatment of neck arthritis. This ancient method is used to improve the injured position in general musculoskeletal diseases, which of course is one of the methods without complications. This method can be used to reduce neck pain.

Radio frequency and therapy

It is one of the non-moving methods in the field of physiotherapy to treat and relieve the muscle pains of neck arthritis. This method is specially recommended to create flexibility in dry joints that have arthritis. Radio frequency waves are used in the technique of tachotherapy to treat arthritis.

Heat and cold and other sensory stimuli

Muscle stimulation using methods such as local heating or cooling of the neck is another effective method in the field of non-motor techniques. Heating or cooling and other sensory stimulations such as electrical stimulations are performed using special devices, which are quite effective in healing and relieving the nerve pain of neck arthritis.
Hot water shower is one of the other methods of healing neck arthritis, which is recommended to be done twice a day for 10-20 minutes each time. A hot and moist towel on the neck can also be used to relieve the nerve pain of neck arthritis. Of course, we strongly recommend that you perform these methods under the supervision of a physiotherapist and in its principled way.

Performing exercises and muscle strengthening movements to treat neck arthritis

Active methods are a series of effective physiotherapy techniques that are performed in the final stages of neck arthritis treatment. Performing sports and corrective movements is quite effective in reducing pain and strengthening muscles and ultimately returning the ideal conditions of the neck vertebrae. But it is necessary to perform these movements on time and completely correctly. The type of sports movements and muscle strengthening and movement modification are selected according to the location of the neck vertebrae injury and the severity of the injury. Even the number and strength of the movements should be fully calculated. Therefore, do not use such movements to strengthen the muscles of the injured neck vertebrae without the advice of a physiotherapist. Applying stretches on both sides of the neck along with putting pressure on the head in the front and back directions are two effective movement methods that play a role in improving the symptoms and finally treating neck arthritis.

medical necklace

Using a medical collar to limit neck movements is another effective method of treating neck arthritis. Using a medical necklace makes the vertebrae and neck muscles rest for a while. This rest is quite effective in reducing pain and improving the conditions of the neck vertebrae.


درمان دیسک گردن Cervical disc treatment


The cause of neck arthritis

Arthritis of the neck is caused by changes in the neck vertebrae and erosion of the disc between the vertebrae, which causes pressure on the spinal nerves and eventually leads to chronic pain in the neck and other parts of the body. This condition is more common in men who are over 40 years old than in women.
Increasing age beyond the age of 60 is the driving factor of neck arthritis. Because the cartilaginous tissue of intervertebral discs dries up and loses its elasticity in old age. Accidents, pressure, heavy blows are all among the causes of cervical vertebrae damage. Meanwhile, the neck area is the place where sensitive nerves and blood vessels pass, which are damaged by the destruction of the neck vertebrae, and the problems of neck arthritis appear in other areas of the body. In order to prescribe the best treatment method for neck arthritis, we must investigate its cause. These damaging factors are as follows:

  • Old age: In old age, it is normal for the cartilage tissue of the disc between the vertebrae to become dry, which doubles the damage of the neck due to strong movements.
  • Type of job: Some jobs are in such a way that the neck is repeatedly placed in an inappropriate position and the long-term pressure will cause movement disorders.
  • Injuries and physical pressures on the neck: car accidents, severe neck shocks due to falling or being hit are all injuries that instantly displace the position of the neck vertebrae and cause serious injuries.
  • Genetic factors: sometimes we have to look for the root of neck arthritis in its genetic roots.

Neck arthritis treatment services will be reviewed and selected according to the type of cause. Therefore, never use the same treatments for different neck arthritis conditions under the influence of various factors.

What are the symptoms of neck arthritis?

For the timely treatment of neck arthritis, it is necessary to identify its symptoms before the condition becomes critical. Cervical disc treatment is simple in its preliminary stages and can be done easily by doing physical therapy correctly. Part of the treatment services for neck arthritis is to check the symptoms and find the damaged area so that we can take the best treatment path. The most important symptoms of neck arthritis are as follows:

  • Chronic pain in the neck that increases with movement.
  • Squealing of the neck while moving
  • Chronic headaches that extend to the arm and shoulder.
  • Tingling or numbness and muscle weakness in hands and feet
  • Lack of coordination between body parts while walking
  • Neck pain that worsens with more physical activity.
  • Lack of bladder or bowel control

Imaging, thermography or CT scan along with MRI are among the methods for diagnosing neck arthritis. At the same time, with the help of the information obtained from these methods, we can start the treatment process of neck arthritis. You can use the specialized services of Mahan Physiotherapy Group to enjoy all kinds of neck arthritis services. In the Mahan team, we use the most modern equipment and professional techniques to treat and improve the symptoms of neck arthritis.