The most common symptoms of neck arthritis

شایع‌ ترین علایم آرتروز گردن Symptoms of neck arthritis

Arthritis of the neck is one of the problems in the vertebrae of the spine, which appears among the upper vertebrae of the neck area and causes chronic and fatal pain along it. At the same time, this condition is prone to nerve irritation and inflammation, which can have worrying consequences in other organs of the body. Examining the symptoms of neck arthritis is key to choosing the treatment method and physiotherapy for this condition.

Various causes play a role in finding neck arthritis. Aging and genetic factors are obvious causes, but in general, any kind of environmental stimulation, such as high pressure or putting the head in inappropriate conditions for a long time, etc., can cause this complication. The most common symptoms of neck arthritis are different according to the causes. To treat this complication, it is also necessary to check the type and severity of the injury. In any case, for the treatment of this condition, be sure to consult an orthopedic specialist and a trained physiotherapist. In this article from Mahan Physiotherapy Group, we examine the most common symptoms of neck arthritis.

What is neck arthritis?

Any type of abnormality in the upper vertebrae of the spine in the neck area or rupture and protrusion of the disc between the neck vertebrae is called. This condition usually starts with pressure on the disc between the vertebrae and their protrusion, and finally, due to chronic conditions, it may lead to bone wear and pressure on the spinal nerves.

In the neck area, there are a significant number of muscles, blood vessels and nerves, all of which are affected by cartilage erosion and bone wear. As far as the abrasion of the neck vertebrae is effective in severe inflammation of the nerves that go to the hands, feet and bladder.

The symptoms of neck arthritis are more common in men, and in general, every person, especially men over 40 years of age, are susceptible to this condition. Usually, neck arthritis starts after the age of 60. But the soft tissue of the neck is easily affected by accidents such as severe accidents or falling from a height. In many cases, putting the neck in inappropriate conditions, such as hard jobs with repetitive work, causes erosion of the disc between the neck vertebrae, which eventually leads to neck arthritis.

What are the causes of neck arthritis?

The type and severity of neck arthritis is completely dependent on its cause. At the same time, doctors and even physiotherapists always search for the cause of this complication to start the treatment process. By examining the cause of arthritis, the treatment method is simple, accurate and completely effective. Usually, the causes of neck arthritis can be categorized in the following cases:

Genetic factors

  • In many cases, the roots of neck arthritis are influenced by genetic factors. For example, we see that people in a family have more or less this pain in old age. Neck arthritis is inevitable due to genetic reasons; However, it can be delayed with preventive measures.

environmental (occupational) motivating factors

  • Improper conditions of the neck or performing hard and frequent movements of the head and neck due to the job position or any other environmental factors, for example, improper use of mobile phones, etc., in the long term, cause pressure on the vertebrae, which contribute to the symptoms of neck arthritis.

age increasing

  • Increasing age increases the risk of developing neck arthritis. In old age, the cartilage tissue of the disc between the neck vertebrae loses its elasticity. In this case, a pressure or a sudden blow and even improper conditions of the neck will cause irritation, protrusion and finally rupture of the neck disc. In this case, neck arthritis is inevitable.

Serious neck injuries

  • Strong and sudden movements of the neck vertebrae increase the risk of finding arthritis. Car accidents, falls, blows to the head or any kind of sudden movement under pressure of the neck are enough to damage the intervertebral discs under pressure. Usually, these injuries are aggravated to finally lead to severe tearing of cartilage tissue and neck arthritis.


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How to identify the symptoms of neck arthritis?

Timely investigation of the symptoms of neck arthritis doubles the chances of its treatment. Usually, this complication will be easily treated in the initial condition when the disc between the vertebrae is irritated or cracked. But this is possible when we prevent the aggravation of neck arthritis symptoms by carefully and timely examination. In general, the most common symptoms of neck arthritis are as follows:

  • causing severe headaches
  • Any kind of tingling or numbness and weakness in the hands and feet
  • The sound of the neck vertebrae during movement
  • Disharmony between body parts and movement problems such as inability to walk
  • Neck pain that is aggravated by physical activity such as sports.
  • Inability to control the bladder or bowels
  • The pain in the neck is extended to the arms or shoulders.

Finding any of these symptoms can be the roots of neck arthritis. At the same time, we see such symptoms in many other complications. Therefore, it is possible to diagnose the symptoms of neck arthritis only by taking pictures and careful examination by an orthopedist or physiotherapist.

In the general conditions of the symptoms of neck arthritis, we can categorize the symptoms in two conditions and its vertebrae along with the neurological symptoms. In this category, some symptoms are related to the neck area and the destruction of its cartilage tissue. At the same time, another part of the symptoms are caused by spinal nerve stimulation or stimulation of the nerves involved in the neck area. We examine these two groups of the most common symptoms of neck arthritis as follows.

Symptoms of neck arthritis in the position of the vertebrae of the spine

These symptoms usually begin with the appearance of severe and chronic pain in the neck area and become more severe over time. These pains usually get better after they appear with some rest; But their definitive treatment is possible only through physiotherapy methods. These neck arthritis symptoms are usually more severe in the morning or at the end of the day and at night.

Stiffness and severe neck pain

  • The dryness of the cartilage tissue or the rupture of the disc between the upper vertebrae of the spine will cause the lack of flexibility of the neck. In this case, the movement of the neck vertebrae is limited and you feel severe pain in this area.

Pain that extends to the shoulder or arm

  • The pain of the neck vertebrae due to the destruction of cartilage tissue or bone wear can affect the muscles located along the neck. In this case, it is possible to find dull pains that extend to the shoulder or arm.

Limited neck range of motion

  • Abrasion of the cartilage tissue of the disc between the vertebrae or protrusion of the disc will cause the bones of the vertebrae to be crushed. In this case, the disc cannot have sufficient flexibility. It is quite obvious that the range of motion of the neck is limited in these conditions. In such a way that a person with neck arthritis is not able to move his neck to the sides or back and forth.

Sensation of hearing a sound in the neck while moving

  • The destruction of the cartilage tissue and eventually the wearing of bone parts is enough for the neck vertebrae to produce noise while moving. In this case, the person suffering from neck arthritis hears a slight but quite noticeable sound in the neck area while shaking the head. In normal conditions, when the severity of the disease is not yet high, there is a high probability that there is no pain. However, these sounds are serious warnings of neck arthritis symptoms.


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The most common symptoms of arthritis of the neck with spinal root

If neck arthritis causes pressure and irritation of the spinal cord, it is called spinal canal stenosis. This complication is the most severe and dangerous degree of progression of arthritis of the neck, which can cause a lot of pressure on the spinal cord and ultimately severe movement problems and even paralysis of the body.

In medical science, this type of pressure on the spinal cord in the neck area is called myelopathy. The following symptoms are the reason for the aggravation of neck arthritis and its effect on the spinal nerve and the prerequisites for finding cervical spinal canal stenosis:

  • Numbness or muscle weakness and even tingling in the legs, hands and arms
  • This feeling may appear in all arms and legs and cause muscle weakness. Sometimes only one of the hands or feet may suffer from this strange numbness. Of course, any type of tingling or numbness is not a symptom of neck arthritis, and it is necessary to have it checked by an orthopedist.

Cramps and severe muscle spasms

  • Cervical spinal canal stenosis is a serious and even dangerous complication that affects almost all the nerves of the body due to its severe inflammation. This neuroinflammation is effective in controlling muscle movement and may prevent the resolution of muscle spasms. In this case, the affected person feels severe dryness and heavy muscle cramps in the whole body or in the moving parts of the body.

Loss of coordination between body muscles

  • Imbalance and loss of body muscle coordination is one of the most common spinal problems due to neck arthritis. In this case, the affected person may not be able to move his motor organs in harmony. Imbalance in walking is a serious problem that appears as a result of this condition, and it worsens quickly if not treated.

Loss of bladder and bowel control

  • The nerves of the bladder and intestine and the control nerves of the digestive system pass through this spinal canal in the neck region. Inflammation of the spinal cord due to narrowing of the canal, with the symptoms of neck arthritis, will cause a lack of proper communication between the nerves of the digestive system and other internal organs of the body. Urinary or fecal incontinence is an acute condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible by correcting and treating neck arthritis.

Shooting pains that start in the neck

  • Spinal nerve stimulation due to neck arthritis will cause chronic and sudden pain. In this case, the affected person may suffer from shooting pains that start from the neck and extend along the shoulder and arm. Sometimes, these shooting pains extend to the wrists and even the fingertips. A person suffering from neck arthritis describes these pains as similar to the penetration of large and deep needles in his body, which are found suddenly but spread quickly and evokes the excruciating feeling of an arrow-like and deadly pain.

Methods of diagnosing neck arthritis

Finding the symptoms of neck arthritis is the first serious warning to identify the exact roots of these abnormalities, such as neck pain, pains, or numbness in the hands and feet, etc. Although each of these symptoms can have other reasons other than neck arthritis; However, prevention and timely treatment is better than delaying the investigation of symptoms. The method of diagnosing neck arthritis is carried out in a certain process from the orthopedic doctor’s examination to the physiotherapist’s examination.

  • In the first step, it is necessary to go to an orthopedic doctor and be examined. At this stage, with questions such as when did the disease start? How much pain do you have? How is this pain? Do you have a movement disorder? Do you have underlying diseases? And… you are facing. The answers to these questions will help the orthopedist to perform his initial examination as accurately as possible.
  • In the second stage of the examination, movement tests are examined. The orthopedist asks the patient to perform some movements such as walking. The orthopedist completes the examination by examining the way of walking and also examining the muscle strength of the hands or feet, or hammering on the tendons of the knee or elbow joints and examining the reflexes, and will probably notice the depth of nerve damage caused by neck arthritis.
  • Diagnostic tests are part of the examination and treatment process. Various types of imaging, computer tomography, CT scan, MRI, etc., are performed at this stage to check the conditions of diagnosis of neck arthritis and the depth of possible nerve damage. Using MRI imaging, we can easily check any type of cervical spinal canal stenosis.
  • After the diagnosis of arthritis, the treatment steps are usually prescribed through physiotherapy. Because many of these complications can be resolved by observing the appropriate movement pattern and performing sports movements and muscle strengthening and rest.


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What are the treatment techniques for neck arthritis?

Surgery is the last resort to treat neck arthritis. Meanwhile, there are a variety of physical therapy methods and techniques to treat and improve the symptoms of neck arthritis. Usually, in the first step, they use physiotherapy methods and correction of the conditions of the vertebrae in the spine of the neck area to treat arthritis. Local cooling or heating methods, massage in specific areas of the neck and doing exercises and strengthening movements are among these effective physiotherapy techniques.

In acute conditions, other methods such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, medical collars, intra-spinal injections and finally surgery may be used. Nevertheless, the correct and professional implementation of physiotherapy techniques is the first and most effective method to improve and relieve the symptoms of neck arthritis. You can use the Mahan physiotherapy team to perform any type of treatment and physiotherapy for neck arthritis. In the Mahan group, the best devices and the most modern methods are used for the improvement and treatment of any kind of deformity in the spine, especially neck arthritis, with a detailed examination of the injured position.

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