Manual therapy treatment method

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Performing any type of physiotherapy treatment that is done using the hands and skill of the physiotherapist in stimulating and putting pressure on different organs of the body is called manual therapy or manual therapy. This method is one of the most effective and at the same time the oldest physiotherapy techniques for treating movement disorders and correcting the dysfunction of various body organs.

Manual therapy is done using the hands of physiotherapists. In this technique, the physiotherapist moves or puts pressure on the injured limb such as the spine joint or hand and foot joint according to special techniques. Moving the joints at the right speed and in certain directions for their alignment and movement correction is the basis of the normal therapy method. At the same time, we can use the pressure techniques of this method to relieve chronic pain in soft tissues. In this article, the expert team of Mahan Physiotherapy Group examines all the points and details of the manual therapy method. Also, in order to benefit from the most skilled physiotherapists in performing manual therapy, you can use the services of the Mahan physiotherapy team.

What is the benefit of manual therapy?

The root of many movement problems, such as the joints between the vertebrae of the spine or the joints between the bones of the hands and feet, is caused by chronic pressure. Pressures that cause displacement of joints and produce movement disorders. Severe pains and problems such as reducing the range of motion of the limbs, such as reducing the ability to move the back or neck and hands, etc. are among these cases. Basically, these complications are not in the scope of surgeries, because the tissues are healthy; But changes have been made in them. On the other hand, with equipment and tools such as electrical stimulation or ultrasound, we cannot solve the created movement problems. In such a situation, we only need to use normal therapy techniques in physiotherapy.

Manual therapy is an effective technique for movement correction and also for reducing muscle pressure and stress. To the extent that, if performed correctly, it can restore the movement conditions of the injured limb and even be effective in reducing nerve and muscle pain. These techniques are extremely simple and without any invasive method, and are performed only by using the power of the hands of knowledgeable and experienced physiotherapists, and are effective in reducing chronic bone, joint, or muscle pain. At the same time, we can use the usual therapy method to relieve stress or muscle spasms.

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When do we need regular therapy?

There are various causes of movement disorders. Sometimes, due to a traffic accident, a part of the vertebrae of the spine, especially the neck, is displaced, or due to heavy pressures in sports activities, we face displacement of joints and movement problems. In many of these types of sudden injuries that are caused by moving bones on top of each other and putting pressure on the joints, it is useful to use manual therapy techniques to put the bones in their place and reduce the pressure on the joints.

But the therapy routines are also useful for chronic bone and movement problems. For example, we can use effective manual therapy techniques to treat many movement disorders caused by improper conditions over a long period of time, such as injuries caused by work such as back pain or neck pain. These manual treatments are useful for relieving acute and chronic back pain. At the same time, it is effective for releasing tension from joints that lack range of motion. In general conditions when the joints or muscles are not damaged, but are under a lot of pressure and stress, we can use manual therapy techniques to relieve the stress of these organs and restore movement and create the natural conditions of their position in the body.

What are the general goals of conventional therapy?

Manual therapy is performed with skillful hand movements of physiotherapists. The implementation of this method is very simple, but it is necessary to do it with complete precision and a high mastery of the anatomy of the body. Any kind of unprincipled pressure or movement can increase the extent of damage to the organ under stress and even cause damage to other parts. According to the anatomy of the body and through their hands, physiotherapists help patients to restore normal movements and to restore their displaced body parts to normal conditions. We can summarize the general goals of the conventional therapy method in the following cases:

  • Changing and correcting the function of muscles under pressure and relieving stress and muscle spasm
  • Improving the expansion of soft body tissues
  • Correcting and increasing the range of motion of joints under stress that are tissue healthy.
  • Exercising or manipulating soft tissues and joints with the aim of relieving their stress
  • Pain relief and relaxation
  • Relief of inflammation due to joint and muscle injuries

The usual method of therapy includes various dimensions; But in general, it is to be able to free people with movement problems from pain without any invasive or surgical tools and to restore the natural movement of different body organs for them.

Which complications are manual therapy techniques used for?

Generally, manual therapy method is used to relieve pains and restore movement and fit joints in spine complications. Usually, the orthopedic doctor recommends the use of the normal therapy method by examining the dimensions of the damage caused if the spine deformity is due to the improper conditions of the vertebrae relative to each other. However, the practical cases of manual therapy methods are diverse, which include the following:

  • Neck problems, including muscle cramps or neck arthritis
  • Muscle and joint problems in hands, wrists, elbows or shoulders
  • Movement problems and complications caused in the legs from ankles, knees to hips
  • Injuries caused by accidents that lead to displacement of joints.
  • Chronic injuries caused by inappropriate working conditions or sports injuries
  • Any type of muscle spasm or cramp


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What are the usual methods of therapy?

Manval therapy has several methods, each of which is used to treat a part of the body, in the following we will introduce Manval therapy methods: 4

1) Mackenzie method

Mckenzic Method is one of the effective techniques in the therapy routine, which aims to evaluate the skeletal system, especially spine problems and their treatment. This method was first invented by a person named Robin McKenzie who was looking for a solution to treat his back pain. Currently, Mackenzie’s method is one of the most effective movement correction techniques in the therapy routine.
This procedure will begin with the patient’s history. In fact, the physiotherapist asks the patient to talk in full detail about his pains and movement problems. Then the patient is asked to perform some specific movements. The physiotherapist is able to identify the pain pressure and the type of patient’s problem by examining the range of motion and the dimensions of the abnormality of the movements, and of course by referring to the patient’s statements. In the following, a series of specific sports movements will be prescribed according to Mackenzie’s technique and physiotherapist’s diagnosis. Mackenzie’s method can be used to treat back and neck disc problems, spinal canal stenosis, sciatic nerve and movement problems in shoulder and knee joints.

2) Mulligan method

Mulligan’s technique is one of the effective physiotherapy measures in the family of manual therapy methods, which are performed by the hands of the physiotherapist through stretching and pressure and the cooperation of the patient. This method actually includes several different mobilization techniques that will be used to treat spine problems. Mulligan’s method is based on movement techniques of natural glides, stable glides and mobilization, the type of movement and the intensity of its implementation is done by the physiotherapist and by examining the type of spinal injury. The purpose of implementing this method is to increase the range of motion of the spine and its damaged organs. Using the Mulligan method is effective in reducing pain and improving the range of motion of the spine, and is generally recommended for those who suffer from stiffness from the back to the neck or have chronic pain from the neck to the legs and arms.

3) Muscle energy method

MET or muscle energy, which is sometimes introduced as muscle energy, is actually an effective technique of manual therapy and will be done with the aim of strengthening and improving the range of motion of muscles. In this method, we are supposed to treat and strengthen muscles by creating voluntary contractions in the patient.
The muscle energy method begins with examining the type and severity of muscle damage. A muscle may have spasms, cramping, dryness, etc. Next, according to the type of complication, the physiotherapist puts pressure on parts of the patient’s movement organs, and the patient must resist the pressure of the physiotherapist’s hand by contracting the muscles in that area. Usually, this confrontation continues for 5 seconds each time with short breaks. This technique is based on the principle that when one muscle contracts, the opposite muscle in the joint will relax. In this way, the range of motion of muscles increases and the path of treatment of muscle movement problems becomes smoother.

4) Mayo Facial Release method

Mayo Fascial Release is another manual therapy technique that is effective in relieving pain and restoring joint range of motion and lost muscles. This method is completely performed by the hands of the physiotherapist and it uses controlled pressure on the muscle tissue (myofascial).
Myofascial pain syndrome is a type of muscle complication caused by muscle stiffness that causes pain. But by using myofascial release technique, we can reduce these pains and muscle stiffness through safe and low-pressure stretches. This technique aims to loosen the fascia through controlled stretches. This method is effective for relieving muscle and joint pains, reducing bone and muscle tension, increasing water supply to cells and tissues, and even improving local and general blood circulation.

5) Mobilization method

The mobilization method is a special technique of manual therapy that plays a role in improving dryness, stiffness and even stiffness of body joints. At the same time, this method is also used to reduce pain and inflammation caused by accidents and joint injuries. The mobilization method relies on the anatomy of the body. In this way, the physiotherapist takes manual measures to improve movement and relieve stiffness and reduce pain by examining the type of complication and analyzing the anatomy of the body.
The mobilization method is placed in 4 groups. The first group is a series of stretching or pressure movements to reduce pain. The movements of the second group play a role in relieving muscle spasm. The advanced movements of this method are also used in the third and fourth groups to remove dryness and reduce joint stiffness. Please note that this method is completely dependent on the anatomy of the body and must be performed by a physiotherapist who is fully aware of the anatomy and movement mechanism of the body.

6) Manipulation method

Manipulation is a technique to treat movement problems and relieve spinal pain from manual therapy. This method is completely performed with the physical therapist’s manual maneuvers in the spine area. In fact, physiotherapists use precise and calculated manipulation maneuvers for the mobility and function of the soft tissues, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the spine. This effect has finally caused the stimulation of the joints, which is quite effective in relieving stiffness and increasing the range of motion and restoring the natural ability of the spine. This technique is used to treat many problems including back pain, neck pain, musculoskeletal disorders in the back area, etc. Of course, manual manipulation maneuvers must be performed with full care and considering the anatomy of the body and spine. Therefore, the skill of the physiotherapist is mandatory in implementing this method.

4 effective techniques in routine therapy

All conventional therapy methods are non-invasive, which are performed without the need for a special device and only by using the skills of physiotherapists in performing movements for pressure, stimulation or helping to move the organs. Of course, the methods of implementing these treatments are different, and in general, we can review all types of manual treatment techniques in the following cases.

1) joint irritations:

A large part of manual therapy is for joint stimulation. In these methods, the physiotherapist uses appropriate techniques to move the limbs to relax restricted joints. In this way, it has an effect on increasing the range of motion of the joints and even plays a role in relieving joint pain. Joint stimulation is done by purposefully moving the limbs to increase the range of motion of the joints. In this method, the physiotherapist supervises the execution of the movements and helps the patient’s limited limb with his hands to complete the movements. At the same time, during the execution of the movements, he is careful that the intensity, range, speed and the whole type of movement are completely precise and principled in order to make the restricted joint move correctly and naturally. Joint stimulation is used to restore movement of dry or dislocated joints as long as they have healthy tissue. Therefore, it is effective in relieving joint pain. But it is not the final solution for the treatment of damaged joints such as lumbar disc rupture or meniscus tear, etc. At the same time, it can help patients recover before performing surgeries.

2) Soft tissue irritations:

This part of manual therapy techniques is effective for removing spasms and cramping of soft tissues such as muscles and reducing muscle tension. A large part of people’s discomforts and pains are only due to stress and muscle tension. In this type of discomfort, there is no serious damage to the bones or joints and ligaments. But due to reasons such as the body being in inappropriate conditions, facing the cold or any other type of stimulation, the muscles face problems such as spasms, dryness or cramping. By using the usual therapy method, we can stimulate these muscles, reduce pain and restore normal conditions. Conventional therapy techniques are performed through soft tissue stimulation using tension or repeated pressure. Usually, the physiotherapist examines how and with what intensity to use the combination of stretching and pressing movements to open and release the muscle, according to the condition of the muscle.

3) Strain and aspirin techniques:

It is a type of manual therapy that works through gentle manual stimulation to eliminate abnormal muscle-nerve reflexes. The goals of these methods are actually to release the nerves under tension. Because nerves are generally inflamed under the influence of movement problems and produce chronic pain. There are transient methods of nerve stimulation that are generally invasive or instrument-based. But manual therapy using strain and aspirin techniques without any invasiveness and only through extremely mild manual stimulations can be effective in the treatment of many abnormal nerve reflexes.

4) Muscle energy techniques:

This method is performed using voluntary muscle contraction. In this method, the physiotherapist asks the patient to contract his muscles in the right order and in certain directions. At the same time, it will help the patient during this procedure. This technique is done through voluntary muscle contraction to produce a counter force to stimulate dry joints. It is also suitable for things like lengthening shortened muscles.

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What is the method of choosing and implementing manual therapy techniques?

Manual therapy is effective from joint problems to relieving muscle spasms and finally treating nerve irritation and inflammation. But these manual methods differ according to the type of complication, the location of the complication, and its severity, and are performed by combining some kind of stretching and pushing movements.

The path of implementing the conventional therapy method begins with a detailed examination of the type of complication and its severity. First, the physiotherapist examines the condition of the bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels in the injured area in full and precise detail. In this examination, he will find out the type of problem and its dimensions, and as a rule, he can choose the best manual therapy technique or the order of using different movements of manual therapy.

At the same time, the physiotherapist will think about other issues such as performing the procedure without damage and side effects. To the extent that he chooses each therapeutic movement through the therapy routine, with the assurance that it will not have any complications or will not have any effect on the increase of the disease. During the implementation of the methods, the physiotherapist will plan for the correct possibility of the movements, the intensity of the movements, the speed and strength of each movement, and will be with the patient during the whole period of the implementation of the methods and will help him to recover the movements.

The effectiveness of manual therapy

Manual therapy is done to help normalize the movement of the limbs and restore the mobility of the joints, as well as to relieve dryness and muscle cramps. In this method, the organs are subjected to manual stimulation by the physiotherapist, either stretching or pressure. But is the use of these techniques effective in improving disease symptoms and restoring movement and pain relief?

Manual therapy is able to affect people’s disease conditions and movement complications from 4 aspects. These treatment methods play a role in the physical stimulation of muscles and joints, nerve stimulation, improvement of biochemical conditions, and even psychological health of patients. In fact, Manval therapy is included in the category of passive joint treatments that are effective in stretching the muscles and ligaments around the joints. At the same time, it plays a role in the treatment of scar tissue after difficult and long surgeries. But interesting research has confirmed these techniques psychologically. According to the claims of this research, doing routine therapy by trying to move the body and get out of the dry state causes nerve stimulation that will lead to the activation of the brain’s reward system.

Therapy after surgery

One of the practical cases of manual therapy is to restore movement and help strengthen and move patients after surgery. Especially when foreign parts such as prostheses have been used in a part of the body during surgery. Implementation of conventional therapy techniques is effective for speeding up the recovery period.

All specialist doctors always encourage their patients to be physically active after surgery, and as a rule, it is not possible for patients to exercise at the beginning of the recovery period. But in this case, we can use the therapy manual to improve the condition of patients after surgery.

Benefits of using manual therapy

Manual treatments play a prominent role in improving the movement conditions of patients. Although these techniques are not for treating organs with severe injuries; But they are definitely effective in restoring movement of organs that have been under tension or stress for any reason. The benefits of manual therapy are as follows:

  • Relieve and even eliminate joint pain
  • Relief of inflammation and swelling of damaged tissues
  • Stimulating the brain to increase the secretion of pain-relieving hormones
  • Improving and increasing blood circulation in damaged organs
  • Improving joint range of motion
  • Improving the effect of dryness or stiffness of damaged joints
  • Treatment of muscle cramps and tissue adhesions
  • Helping to eliminate toxins and waste materials from body tissues
  • Effect on body balance


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Practical cases of manual therapy

They use conventional therapy techniques to treat and improve the following complications:

  • Reduction of sciatic nerve pain
  • Reducing the effect of spinal canal stenosis
  • Treatment of trigger punit
  • Reduce inflammation of tendons
  • Relieving chronic spine pain, whether back pain or neck pain
  • Improvement of shoulder impingement syndrome
  • Improvement of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Relieve muscle cramps
  • Treatment of frozen shoulder
  • Effective in improving the symptoms of headaches such as neck headaches

Recommendations for using manual therapy method

Although manual therapy is done simply and without the need for any tools and is completely non-invasive and only through the hands, not everyone is supposed to be able to perform these techniques. Although these methods are simple, they need to be performed with care and careful examination of the anatomy of the body in the affected area. Any type of use of conventional therapy methods without considering the exact conditions of the type of complication can have worrying consequences. We recommend that you perform any type of manual therapy procedure under the supervision of a knowledgeable and skilled physiotherapist. Because by examining the severity of the injury, physiotherapists can adjust the type, intensity and order of routine therapy movements without any side effects. You can use the services of the Mahan physiotherapy team to benefit from all physiotherapy services, especially the correct implementation of normal therapy techniques.

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Manual therapy treatment method

Performing any type of physiotherapy treatment that is done using the hands and skill of the physiotherapist in stimulating and putting pressure on different organs

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