The best way to prevent back disc


Lumbar disc is a serious spine problem that appears slowly and without initial symptoms. In fact, when the painful symptoms of the lumbar disc have appeared, it is already too late and it is not possible to start an effective treatment process. More severe severe pain is the symptom in the acute period of the disease and it is so much that it prevents a person from doing normal life activities. You probably don’t want to approach this critical stage. In this case, what is the solution to prevent lumbar disc?

Have you ever experienced a dull and unknown pain in your lower back? A pain that stretches right along the spine and shoots somewhere deep in your body with every movement? This pain usually appears after performing heavy activities in unusual body conditions, for example, when you lift something heavy in imbalance. Sometimes a quick and unpredictable movement causes this pain.

In normal conditions, after an hour or a few days of rest, you will probably forget your pain; But do you take this threat seriously? Such pains are either related to back muscle spasms or arise from the back disc. Whatever it is, it can be a serious threat to your health and you should act as soon as possible to prevent lumbar disc herniation. In this article, prepared by the group of specialists of Mahan Physiotherapy team, we will discuss tips to prevent lumbar disc herniation.

Where is the lumbar disc? And why does it hurt?


The disc is the area between the vertebrae of the spine. In short, to understand the matter very simply, in the area between the lumbar vertebrae, there are parts of a jelly-like plate with a fibrous structure that prevents the direct contact of the bones of the vertebrae with each other. This wide part between the vertebrae is the lumbar disc. Of course, when the vertebrae are displaced under the influence of excessive pressure on each other, it will put pressure on the adjacent nerve and cause excruciating pain.

Between both vertebrae of the spine there is a disc section with a mixture of gelatinous substance with an elastic structure. The inner part of this disc has a jelly state and the outer part is elastic like cartilage. What we know as the symptoms of lumbar disc disease is actually the protrusion of the elastic part of the space between the lumbar vertebrae. Just like a gasket that is out of shape due to over-tightening of the nut and bursts outwards. This complication is called disc herniation or disc prolapse. The disc plays the role of a shock absorber between the vertebrae of the spine. In a situation where a herniated disc has occurred, it is practically impossible to move the vertebrae on top of each other, and in this case, your back is dry and any movement is painful.

What is the cause of disc herniation?

Before we want to enter the main discussion or the solution to prevent lumbar disc, it is necessary to talk about the cause of this problem. These reasons are as follows:

  • Impact or sudden movements: any kind of throwing to the ground or impact of the back with hard objects or any kind of sudden and severe change in body position that causes a lot of pressure on the back vertebrae.
  • Accidents: In severe accidents, when sudden movements occur in the neck area up to the vertebrae above the back, it can lead to displacement and even rupture of the disc.
  • Excessive obesity: excessive weight is an excess load that you always carry with you, and the pressure of this permanent load is on the lumbar vertebrae and the disc between them.
  • Weakening of the muscles of the lower back: The muscles of the lower back are effective in keeping the body structure stable and even for walking properly. These muscles take the pressure off the spine. Weakened back muscles increase the pressure on the spine.
  • Wrong sports movements: any kind of unprincipled sports movement, including unbalanced lifting of weights, sudden turns, unprincipled cuts, etc., are all susceptible to disc herniation.
  • Old age: In old age, the elasticity of the lumbar disc becomes dry. In this case, there is a high possibility of rupture and eventual protrusion of the disc.

Each of these reasons alone can be the cause of lumbar disc. In order to prevent lumbar disc, we must also take action against these causes. If you haven’t had a lumbar disc problem before or if you feel mild pains and you foresee this dangerous problem as a serious threat, it is better to take action to prevent the acute increase of this problem. The solution to prevent lumbar disc herniation is as follows.

Solution to prevent lumbar disc


The prevention solution to prevent lumbar disc herniation is the first step to modify your lifestyle. In many cases, a herniated disc has appeared slowly and steadily as a result of a long-term neglect. In fact, a wrong habit or a permanent mistake provides the basis for finding this complication. To prevent lumbar disc, take these measures seriously: z lumbar disc

Losing weight and maintaining fitness:

The first step and usually the best method of prevention is to prevent obesity. Excess weight alone is a serious problem, which causes double pressure on the vertebrae of the spine in addition to various diseases. The pressure of high body weight is like a nut that is tightened too much and the gasket between the seal bursts or pops out. By living a healthier lifestyle and trying to lose weight and keep fit, you have taken the first effective step to prevent lumbar disc disease.

Regular exercises to strengthen muscles:

Strengthening the back muscles is the most effective way to prevent back disc. Because we can never predict sudden movements or performing various physical activities during daily life. Anyway, we want to live and in this way we need a flexible body. Therefore, be diligent in doing regular exercise to strengthen the back muscles to protect your body from any sudden pressure.

Avoid driving for long periods of time:

Prolonged sitting in a fixed form with minimal mobility doubles the risk of disc herniation. Long-term driving is one of these threatening conditions that slowly and continuously causes acute problems such as lumbar disc. If you have no choice but to drive for a long time, at least take a little distance from your car in the intervals between driving and take a walk and get your back shape out of dry and monotonous by doing stretching exercises.

Avoid standing for long periods of time:

Standing for a long time in a certain form puts additional pressure on the back and spine. The weight of the entire upper body in a standing position falls on the vertebrae of the spine. By walking or variety of movements, we usually give the lumbar vertebrae a chance to experience different states; But standing for a long time in a fixed form with minimal movement is actually a serious but hidden and invisible threat, the consequences of which will be hard and painful in the long run. Not standing for a long time is a way to prevent lumbar disc. If you have no choice but to stand, it is better to experience a variety of movements while performing your tasks or repeat several stretching movements so that the vertebrae of the spine get out of the monotonous and tense form.

Use shoes with standard heels:

Using shoes with short heels and standard design form is the solution to prevent back disc. Many people do not take the importance of shoes seriously. Especially in women, it is customary to wear high-heeled shoes, and long-term use of such shoes will cause double pressure on the spine.

Shoes with very high heels change the body’s center of gravity. In such a situation, your body loses its natural shape and is in a constant state of tension. The spine is under pressure and practically experiences a constant stretch. Wearing shoes with inappropriate heels once or twice at parties has serious consequences. The problem is when you insist on using these shoes excessively. Long-term use of shoes with non-standard heels causes disc rupture and chronic pain.

Use the correct lifting method:

Do you know the correct way to lift heavy objects? Or do you lift any relatively heavy object in any way and only by relying on your back strength? Lifting objects in improper conditions is a serious threat that can cause rupture and protrusion of the lumbar disc in an instant.

Lifting heavy objects is inevitable. During the day and while doing housework or at work, it happens many times that you have to move a cartoon, a device, a tool, a heavy piece, etc. Note that in each of these situations, you are facing a lot of pressure on your spine. The basic method of lifting heavy objects is to start the movement in a position with bent knees. Try to bend your knees instead of bending your back to lift a heavy object. On the other hand, keep the heavy object as close as possible and try to maintain your balance all the time. If there is a possibility that your balance will be disturbed, it is better to let go of the object.

Carrying seemingly light loads in the long term also causes damage to the back and rupture of the disc. For example, carrying a laptop bag on one side of the body for a long time has serious consequences. In this case, we recommend that you distribute the weight of the load equally on both sides of the body or move your bag regularly from one shoulder to the other.

Use the correct sitting method during daily tasks:

Adhering to the correct sitting pattern is the most effective way to prevent lumbar disc in a chronic state. Have you ever seen employees complaining of back pain? As long as their job is apparently simple and sedentary; But unintentionally, they carry a constant threat with them. Because many of these people do not follow the correct pattern of sitting during their long work. Sitting at a computer desk for long hours is inevitable and you should practice correct sitting technique to prevent lumbar disc herniation. Even working with your cell phone requires you to be in good shape.

If you have to sit for a long time due to work conditions and even if you use a standard chair and desk, still get up from behind the desk every now and then and take a walk or do stretching exercises. Also, use chairs with a flat back or chairs with a low back. At the same time, it is better to place your knees in a position higher than your hips. For this, you can use a small stool under your feet while sitting. On the other hand, it is necessary to use a chair with a support angle of 110 degrees.

Do not smoke:

To prevent lumbar disc disease, you should experience a healthier lifestyle, and one of the most important measures is to quit smoking. Smoking reduces the level of oxygen in the body and, as a rule, by disrupting the blood flow, it will also reduce the oxygenation of the lumbar disc area in addition to many problems for the body’s health. Excessive consumption of cigarettes in the long term causes the analysis of the elasticity of the disc and eventually leads to rupture and protrusion of the disc due to the movement tensions created. Therefore, we recommend that if you are under the threat of a lumbar disc, at the first step, quit smoking and nicotine completely.

How do we know that we have a lumbar disc?


The most important thing to prevent lumbar disc disease is to notice that you are facing a silent complication that will increase every moment until suddenly it will catch you in the form of a severe and locking pain. Paying attention to the symptoms is the solution to prevent lumbar disc herniation. If you have these symptoms, take treatment and prevention seriously before your spine problems escalate. These symptoms are as follows:

  • Any kind of cramping sensation in the legs, especially the areas behind the knees
  • Any kind of feeling of weakness in the lower back in such a way that you are unable to lift objects or you lift objects very hard and heavy.
  • Any kind of tingling or numbness in the lower back
  • Dull but chronic pains in the hips, thighs and legs. Pains that are aggravated by coughing or standing for a long time.

These are clear signs of a serious threat. These symptoms are not just signs of acute lumbar disc disease; Rather, they will warn you that you are prone to disc protrusion and you should change your lifestyle and the treatment and recovery process before the symptoms become chronic.

How to diagnose lumbar disc pain?

Any pain in your lower back is not a sign of a herniated disc. Many of these pains have muscular roots. When the disc protrudes from the area between the vertebrae due to high pressure, it releases certain chemicals that irritate the nerves around the lumbar region and cause inflammation and pain. The pain of a herniated disc has a deep dullness in the lower back area. In such a way that the back pain spreads to the pelvis and from there to the legs due to the stiffness of the vertebrae. This pain is so bad that you feel like you can’t move at all. Be careful that you are facing such pain in the chronic conditions of the disease. But the initial pains, which are threatening, appear in the form of shooting pains in the lumbar and spine obstruction and extend to the pelvic region. Whenever you feel such pains, be sure to consult a specialist and use a suitable physiotherapy program to prevent lumbar disc.

In which case should we refer to physiotherapy?

It is useful to change the lifestyle and follow the strategy to prevent lumbar disc in any case; But sometimes the extent of disc erosion and damage to the areas between the vertebrae is so great that these solutions alone are no longer useful. These solutions are to prevent the lumbar disc or at least prevent the disease from worsening. This is despite the fact that you may be in a chronic condition. In such a situation, you should use a physical therapy program to improve the acute conditions of the lumbar disc. Whenever you feel these symptoms, be sure to visit a specialist doctor and use specialized physiotherapy services:

  • Whenever the symptoms of back pain worsen and do not decrease.
  • Back pain causes movement disorder to the extent that you cannot do your daily life activities.
  • You are unable to walk properly and even stand.
  • You have encountered a disorder in the functioning of the bladder and intestines.

Ways to prevent lumbar disc are simple, but many people ignore simple things. In any case, if you feel a pain in your lower back that persists after 4 to 6 weeks and even worsens, be sure to visit an orthopedic doctor for examination and the possibility of disc protrusion. You can also use the services of Mahan Physiotherapy Institute to complete your treatment process and improve lumbar disc symptoms.

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