The relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica

رابطه بین دیسک کمر و سیاتیک The relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica

The relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica are both pains that occur in the lower back and can disrupt anyone’s daily life. Although these two complications have the same pain area and even sometimes they are found with the same symptoms; But in essence, the two complications are completely different. In some cases, the protrusion of the lumbar disc, which causes the production of chemical compounds in the area around the spine, will lead to irritation of the nerves in the lumbar region. Sciatica is one such nerve in the lower back that may be irritated by a herniated disc. But finally lumbar disc and sciatica are two different complications in a common area of the body. In this article, from Mahan Physiotherapy Group, we will examine the symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica, and we intend to discuss the relationship between these two conditions and talk about the ways to identify them and their treatment techniques.

What is sciatica pain?

Sciatica is the name of the large nerve along the spine of the body that extends down to the legs. The diameter of the sciatic nerve is as small as the diameter of a finger and it consists of five nerve roots. The sciatic nerve roots all exit the spinal cord and join together along the spine to form two large, long sciatic nerves.

The sciatic nerve continues along the lower parts of the body to the legs, and as a rule, any stimulation of this nerve will affect different parts of the body. In such a way that stimulation of the sciatic nerve will cause pain from the lower back to certain areas of the legs. Areas that are also common with the painful roots of the lumbar disc.

Sciatica pain is a pain that continues from top to bottom along the spine and legs. The symptoms of this pain are different and in most cases it is in the form of a burning sensation in the leg, dull pain in the back of the leg when sitting, weakness in the legs, uncontrollable jumping of the legs, etc. But sometimes the cause of sciatica irritation is due to rupture or herniated lumbar disc. This work is possible only with detailed examinations and imaging under the supervision of an orthopedist and with the examination of a physiotherapist. But the next question is the cause of lumbar disc complications, why can it irritate the sciatic nerve?

What is lumbar disc pain?

Lumbar discs are the cartilaginous part between the vertebrae of the spine. These cartilaginous parts are considered as shock absorbers of the spine. in a way that prevents bone parts from rubbing on each other and provides suitable conditions for mobility and flexibility of the back. But sometimes, due to various reasons such as accidents, high pressure, sudden movement, old age, etc., these circular cartilages may protrude or tear from the space between the vertebrae, in which case the painful condition of the lumbar disc will begin. Lumbar disc symptoms are varied and sometimes different, including:

  • Pain in the legs, toes, leg and back of the thigh
  • Nerve pains such as feeling weak in the legs and tingling in the legs
  • drooping legs
  • Sharp pains when moving
  • Sudden onset and rapid onset of symptoms such as back pain that do not improve after a while.
  • Urinary incontinence and loss of bowel control

With a simple examination, you have definitely realized that the lumbar disc is a bony complication and is aggravated by the protrusion of the cartilage between the vertebrae. But sometimes it has nervous symptoms. These neurological symptoms are the same as the relationship between the lumbar disc and sciatica, which we intend to examine with a more scientific perspective in this article.

Why does a ruptured disc cause neurological symptoms?

A herniated disc or a ruptured disc, which we know very briefly as a lumbar disc, is any kind of protrusion and finally tearing of the cartilage part between the vertebrae of the spine. As a result of this complication, the central jelly-like part of the lumbar disc, which is a chemical compound called nucleus paliosus, is released and comes out of the space between the vertebrae. This released compound is effective in stimulating and ultimately inflammation of the nerve fibers around the lumbar vertebrae or the sciatic nerve.

Lumbar disc consists of two peripheral and central parts. The peripheral part is a fibrous ring of filamentous cartilage, which in addition to elasticity has a strong structure that can hold the water in the central core of the disc. The central nucleus is also called nucleus paleosus, which has a jelly-like composition with a significant volume of water.

As a result of high pressure, both peripheral and central parts are damaged; But usually, disc herniation occurs along the serious damage of the central part and the jelly substance inside it. As a result of the rupture of the peripheral part of radiculitis, chemicals are released inside the disc and cause inflammation of the nerves around the spine. This inflammation will eventually lead to severe nerve pain such as leg tingling, leg weakness, urinary incontinence and even intestinal problems. Because the sciatic nerve is affected by this inflammation.

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Does any type of disc rupture cause neuroinflammation?

The sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the entire body, originates directly from the spinal cord of the spine. There are two sciatic nerves in the body, which include the nerve fibers of the lower limbs of the body up to each of the legs. Lumbar disc rupture in critical conditions that will cause its internal material to protrude, ultimately causes inflammation of the sciatic nerve; But not necessarily all lumbar disc symptoms will end in sciatica pains.

The relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica is very close. However, these two complications are different from each other. This means that the rupture of the lumbar disc itself is an independent complication, and sciatic nerve irritation can be caused by different reasons. Therefore, any type of disc rupture does not necessarily lead to sciatica irritation, and any pain originating from the sciatic nerve is not necessarily due to a disc rupture. Determining whether there is a connection between the lumbar disc and sciatica will be done with photography and detailed examinations by an orthopedic doctor and careful examination by a physical therapist.

Lumbar disc symptoms and sciatica

Although lumbar disc and sciatica are different complications; But they can appear together. In such a way that the lumbar disc is prone to the origin of sciatica pains. But how to identify these pains? In a word, is any type of back pain or movement problems due to the effect of the disc on sciatica?

Diagnosing the relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica is very important in finding a treatment method and going through the physiotherapy process. According to the source of nerve pain, the physiotherapist can take the best treatment based on physiotherapy techniques. Although the symptoms and pains are different in people; But in general, we can look for symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica in the following cases:

Dull and deep pains in the leg:

The most common symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica are severe but dull pains in the leg. Pains that are even more severe than back pains caused by disc and may even cause movement disorders of people. These pains are present at all times even at rest. Because their root is nervous and due to sciatic nerve inflammation due to lumbar disc herniation.

Back and front thigh pains:

These pains are also permanent and have nerve roots and are caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve under the stress of disc herniation. These pains are like squeezing or biting the space inside the thigh of your leg. A pain that is more like a sudden but persistent shooting pain. Note that in most cases only one of the legs suffers from these deep pains. Because probably only one of the two sciatic nerves is affected by disc herniation.

Tingling or pain in the toes:

Any kind of dull and complicated pain in the toes that appears for no reason and even without walking for a long time is due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. As we said, you may feel these tingling or tingling pains only in the toes of one of the legs.

Nerve pain:

If you feel dull and variable pains in the lower parts of your body, as if the pain is moving and shifting, and eventually brings a feeling of fatigue and weakness, you should look for its roots in lumbar disc symptoms and sciatica. do. These pains are sharp, continuous and variable. In some cases, you feel that your body is in deep and sharp pains. This is while you can’t even show the exact location of the pain with your hand.

Feeling of drooping legs:

Leg drop refers to any feeling of inability to move the legs. In this case, the patient feels a deep pain at the moment of lifting his legs. To the extent that it is difficult and even impossible for him to take a step. This pain has nerve roots from sciatica inflammation along the lumbar disc herniation.

Tingling or murmuring:

Any type of weakness in the lower body movement organs that may be accompanied by symptoms such as tingling or numbness has neurological roots from inflammation of the sciatica nerve. In this case, the patient does not feel severe pain; But there is a kind of dumb yet annoying weakness in his lower limbs.

Severe pain during movement:

Pains that occur while moving or moving body parts such as when sitting, standing, bending forward, coughing are among the symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica. These pains all have nerve roots that appear as a result of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. On the other hand, it is even possible that long-term sitting causes deep and severe pains, which also appear from the relationship between the lumbar disc and sciatica.

Chronic back pain:

Back pain is the most common symptom of lumbar disc and sciatica. Of course, it is not seen in all cases due to sciatic nerve stimulation due to lumbar hernia. Any type of back pain that is accompanied by a feeling of stiffness or muscle spasm and may even be seen in the form of irritations such as muscle jumps and tremors, is one of the symptoms of lumbar disc that manifests itself in the form of sciatica symptoms and needle pains in the lower back. These pains are progressive and over time without getting better, they will get more and more each time.

Pains that appear suddenly and do not go away:

Lumbar disc and sciatica symptoms usually appear quickly. These pains appear suddenly and develop very quickly. Because the inflammation of the sciatic nerve will quickly become chronic, and naturally, as long as this inflammation exists, you should expect such sudden and ongoing pains.

Digestive problems and lack of bladder control:

In some rare cases, digestive problems such as bowel movement control disorder or lack of bladder control are symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica. Because the nerves that control these internal organs of the body originate from this same sciatic nerve, and as a rule, inflammation of the sciatic nerve has a negative effect on the functioning of these organs. Any kind of symptoms such as urinary or bowel incontinence, or any kind of numbness in the lower parts of the buttocks, pain in the lower back and even weakness in the lower back can be symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica. But in any case, it is necessary to check the clinical symptoms of these pains by a specialist doctor. At the same time, if it is related to sciatica nerve irritation caused by the lumbar disc, they have a special and completely specialized treatment and physiotherapy method.


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Common reasons for causing symptoms are the relationship between the lumbar disc and sciatica

Nerve pains that appear in the lower parts of the body and sometimes disrupt the normal life of patients, generally have their roots in the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Rupture of the lumbar disc and protrusion of its inner material will irritate this nerve and ultimately its inflammation. These pains eventually come from places that apparently have nothing to do with the back vertebrae. But after careful examination, we can look for the relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica. However, what are the causes of these symptoms?

Usually, symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica are rooted in people’s age. To the extent that middle-aged people over 50 years of age are completely under the threat of it. Because with age, the elasticity of the cartilage of the lumbar disc will decrease, and sudden movements and high pressure increase the risk of tearing this dried cartilage. As a result, disc protrusion and sciatic nerve inflammation are inevitable. At the same time, the following reasons increase the risk of irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve due to disc herniation:

  • Obesity: being overweight is the main cause of pressure in the cartilage area between the vertebrae of the spine, which may cause disc rupture and inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the long run.
  • Vigorous and repetitive movements: Any type of vigorous physical movement, such as lifting heavy objects, carries the risk of disc rupture. At the same time, the repetition of intense movements makes this complication more serious.
  • Smoking: Smoking is a trigger for the drying of the disc cartilage between the vertebrae of the spine. Smoking causes blood oxygen to decrease and thus disrupts the flow of rich blood to the discs. In the long term, the cartilage of the disc has lost its elasticity, and its potential for tearing during sudden movements is high.

What to do to treat sciatica pain due to disc herniation?

The pains caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve are annoying and painful; But the treatment of these pains is somewhere between the vertebrae of the spine. Until the lumbar disc problem is treated, there is usually no other solution to improve sciatica. Other treatment methods are all a kind of relief for these pains.

In acute cases of disc herniation, surgery is unavoidable; But usually doctors and orthopedic specialists ask the patient to take non-surgical methods to relieve and treat the symptoms of lumbar disc and sciatica.

Non-surgical methods for the relief and treatment of lumbar disc and sciatica symptoms are related to the set of physical therapy techniques that need to be implemented at the discretion of the orthopedist and under the supervision of a specialist physiotherapist. These methods are as follows:

  • Patio therapy techniques that include heat therapy, ice therapy, electrical stimulation using a tennis machine, etc.
  • Active therapy techniques that include specific stretching exercises to put the lumbar disc in the right position. These treatment methods are based on the implementation of stretching movements, which are necessary to be performed by a physiotherapist with a careful examination of the type of rupture and protrusion of the disc.
  • At the same time, it is possible to use some drugs for the treatment of lumbar disc at the discretion of the attending physician, which are generally drugs for muscle relaxants and NSAIDs. In some cases, epidural injections are used to reduce sciatic nerve inflammation and treatment.

When should we do surgery?

Sciatica pains are usually reduced and cured after completing the course of standard physiotherapy treatments. However, in cases where lumbar disc rupture is severe and nerve irritation continues permanently and without interruption, the use of surgical methods is unavoidable. Microdiscectomy and endoscopic microdiscectomy are two common methods that are performed with the aim of reducing the pressure on the sciatic nerve due to disc herniation.


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Tips for dealing with lumbar disc symptoms and sciatica

The relationship between lumbar disc and sciatica is close. Although sciatica irritation can have other roots; However, any type of disc rupture is prone to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Prevention is the most effective way to deal with these pains. If you are middle-aged or even old, take any symptom, however mild, of chronic nerve pain seriously. Losing weight, doing stretching movements, strengthening the back muscles, quitting smoking and in general a healthy lifestyle is the best way to keep the cartilaginous tissue of the back disc healthy.

If you are dealing with chronic sciatica pain, you should definitely investigate its roots in symptoms such as a herniated disc. This is done by photography and careful examination. If the source of nerve pain is diagnosed in disc rupture, it is mandatory to go through the physiotherapy process. However, the method of implementation, the type of treatment technique and the duration of the physical therapy process will be reviewed according to the severity of the disc damage. This work should be done under the supervision of an orthopedic doctor and a knowledgeable and fully qualified physiotherapist. In any case, avoid doing non-specialized stretching movements without the opinion of a physiotherapist and do the whole treatment process under the supervision of correct physiotherapy methods. For this purpose, you can use the physiotherapy services of Mahan Group.

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